INTRODUCTION. A gel is a jelly-like colloidal systemin which a liquid is dispresed in a solid medium.when a warm sol of geiatin is cooled,it set to a semisolid mass which is a gel.The process of gel formation is knownnn as Gelatin. Gelatin may be thought of as partial coagualation of a sol.The coagulation sol partical first unite to form long thread-like chains.These chans are then interlocked to form a solid framework.The liquid dispersion medium gets trapped in the cavities of frmework.The resulting semisolid porous mass has a gel structure.Asponge soaked in water is an illustration of gel structure. TWO TYPE OF GEL. Gels may be classified in two parts: (a) Elastic gel are those which posses the property of ecesticity. They change their shape on applying force and return to original shape when the force is removed.Gelatin, starch and soaps are example of substance which from elastic gel. (b) Non-elastic gels are those which are rigid .e g. s...
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