Confronting and arguing.
Nothing will bring about an inner feeling of turmoil faster then allowing yourself to be seduced into fighting or arguing.You always have a choice.Always! To argue or not to not to argue.To confront or not to confront.When you opt for arguing or comforting,you are allowing the ego to push your higher self into the background.Here is your ego speaking to you:You are separate from your spouse/that clerk/those bureaucrats.You need to show them how special you are and that you can,t be pushed around.Go ahead and tell them your point of view and don,t listen to what they have to say." Behind this approach to life is the ever-present need to be right.When you give up the need to be right, you no longer need the turmoil.
Competing and comparing.
When you compare yourself with other as a measurement of your performance or feelings of success,you aree at the mercy of your false self.You have bought into the erroneous idea that God plays favorites and that you will in some way be better when you are ahead of someone else. Ego is talking to you in a style thet you have probably been taught to believer is important to your success in life.Ego tell you:"If he/she can,so can. You are smarter /prettier/stronger/more spiritual/more stable then he/she is.You must assert your superiority and show her/him the truth.You are the best. Now get out there and prove it to everyone. you must purchase something they can,t afford, to demonstrate how successful you are.'This inner dialogue, originating with ego,guarantees that peace inner harmony will not be within your reach.
Chasing and striving.
The popularity of movie chase scenes speaks to an inner part of ourselves.The more intense the chase,the more popular the movie,the more secure ego feels.Up stairs:over cliffs;cars,planes,trains,through guns,robotic devices,violence and crush scenes.Over the fences and through the woods to ego,s house we go.This is also the movie of your inner life when ego is in charge.Chase after success,prove that you better then all those lazy bastards. Who are expecting something for nothing.Go after the symbols of success and the merit badges of striving and your rewards will be more badges,more badgering from your ego and a void inside where peace might otherwise reside.Here is the talk of your false self:'You are special. The way to prove that is to maximize your achievement.You are different than everyone else.Now prove it by getting that promotion,regardless of what your feelings are should be offender when someone else gets ahead of you.Do you want people to thinks they are better then you. Chase those incentives.When you get all of them,you,II be the best.Remember,if you don,t know where you,re going,how will you known when you get there?"The ego loves to see you striving.It does nt want you to be content,peaceful and knowing the God within you.Then you might not need ego so prods you to forget that rubbish and keep on striving.Ego instructs you to forget about arriving,whispering that there,s a casket waiting for you when you arrive.
The more your inner world is focused on worry,the less time you have for experiencing peace.Worry is the absence of peace,and ego finds it extraordinarily easy to eliminate peace with worry thoughts.Ego,s worry program inform you:"You should be worrying. There s a lot to worry about.You should be worrying.There,s a lot to worry about.You could get sick.One of your loved ones could have an accident.You might lose your job.You might get a divorce.You could go bankrupt.Your hair could fall out.You might be audited.You could get a disease.'Ego thrives on this kind of thinking,happy that you are using up your inner energy to worry,not leaving any room for all that peace nonsense.
Chattering to yourself.'Forget about all of that meditation stuff.It will just put you in danger of being seduced by the evil spirits that are the real bedrock of your personality.Keep you mind busy. Think about as many things as possible.Keep those thoughts coming,even if the previous one had nothing to do with the one you are now thinking.'This is the language of the ego,keeping your mind chattering away all day long,even disrupting your sleep.The more you chatter and keep your mind engaged,the less space you have for peace and harmony. Again,this is the job of the false self.The false is busy convincing you that you are something that you are not.To keep this illusion work resembling silence and inner peace. your ego constantly pushes you toward inner noise and disruption,in the hope of keeping you from knowing the higher self,which thrives on harmony and silence


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